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  • An ISO 9001: 2008 CERTIFIED SCHOOL

St. Michael's Sr. Sec. School

Recognized by the Deptt. of Education Delhi vide No. F.Zone-28 (w)/4853-D.D.E (cd) 450 and affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education vide No. CBSE/Affiliated 2730089/Ex-01131-2021/2020-21/

Infrastructure & Facilities

Learning is a complex activity that supremely tests students' motivation and physical condition. Teaching resources, teachers' skill, and curriculum -- these all play a vital role in a child's education. But what about the physical condition and design of the actual school facility itself? How do they shape a child's learning experience?

Most of the today's busy parents may never know. With majority of them working, parents generally find little time to experience, much less evaluate, the physical condition of their child's school. When they do visit, often during parent-teacher's night, discussions will mostly focus on their child's learning, achievement, and progress, not on school maintenance or design issues. There are few opportunities for parents to observe a classroom or school during the school day. But it is just during this time that a significant number of students and teachers struggle with such things as noise, glare, mildew, lack of fresh air, and hot or cold temperatures. 

St. Michael's Sr. Sec. School is one of the few Schools in Delhi with special focus on this most important aspect of learning. Study after study concludes that there is an explicit relationship between the physical characteristics of school buildings and educational outcomes. And while good maintenance, modern systems, and flexible designs are clearly required, there are even more complex, outside societal factors that need to be addressed.

While it has been said, "A good teacher can teach anywhere," there is a direct relation between the condition and utility of the school facility and learning. The classroom is the most important area within a school. It is here that students spend most of their time, hopefully in an environment conducive to learning. Learning in the classroom requires a reasonable level of concentration, listening, writing, and reading. Individual classrooms and entire facilities need to be evaluated, not only on how they meet changing educational requirements, but also on how they meet the environmental requirements for health, safety, and security.

We are proud to provide all amenities to our dear students so that they could focus their energies towards achieving their educational goals and become enlightened and responsible citizens of India.